
baked potatoes

Here's tonight's main course. Sure wasn't rocket science, but it sure was good!

Put large russets into the oven at 400 F for about an hour; check for doneness with a fork. Eat with butter, sour cream, grated cheese, salt, pepper, olive oil, or etc., and add a green vegetable (and maybe some leftovers) for balance.


  1. We put brussel sprouts (tossed with olive oil) into the oven for the last 30 mins, turning once and salting at the end. They were, as always, great (even though they are off-season).

  2. Can you please clone me a husband?
    If you have ethical problems with this request, then can I come back up for leftovers?

  3. Baked potatoes again tonight. Will these ever disappoint us? Perhaps hunger is the best sour cream, cheddar cheese, butter, salt, pepper, and (get this!) kipper snacks!

    ps. rolling the damp (ie, just washed) potatoes in sea salt before baking makes for a super-tasty skin!
